Health Gains and Financial Protection from Pneumococcal Vaccination and Pneumonia Treatment in Ethiopia: Results from an Extended Cost-Effectiveness Analysis


This article, published in PLOS ONE, conducts an extended cost-effectiveness analysis (ECEA) of two fully publicly financed interventions in Ethiopia: pneumococcal vaccination for newborns and pneumonia treatment for under-five children. The authors apply ECEA methods and estimate the program impact on: (1) government program costs; (2) pneumonia and pneumococcal deaths averted; (3) household expenses related to pneumonia/pneumococcal disease treatment averted; (4) prevention of household medical impoverishment; and (5) distributional consequences across the wealth strata of the population. The results indicate that vaccine and treatment interventions for children can bring large health and financial benefits to households in Ethiopia, most particularly among the poorest socio-economic groups.

Stéphane Verguet
Stéphane Verguet

Associate Professor in the Department of Global Health & Population at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health
